Creative Team
Meet Our Talented Designers


Hi my name is Jo and I live in sunny California, with my husband and 3 year old son. My sister introduced me to scrapbooking nearly 12 years ago and I've never looked back. I love all things paper craft related and my style is ever revolving. I find so much support from the crafting community and I love to share and inspire others with my creations. I'm truly excited to start a new craft journey with Penguin Palace Stamps and to work alongside such talented designers.
Hi! I’m Bobbi (Hartmann) Lemanski and I’m super excited to be part of The Penguin Palace design team. I love color and creativity in all forms – cardmaking, canvas painting, interior design, etc. I live in Wisconsin with my husband, Kevin and our twins, Tarek (TJ) and Olivia and our sweet dog, Stelly. I love using bold colors and creating high contrast designs. I get a kick out of finding clever ways to use sets in new ways and/or combos. I like creating and giving a 5” X 7” card. It has more of a presence and it gives me more room to design. 😊 You can find me on Instagram as @BobbiHartDesign and Facebook as Bobbi Hart Design. My blog is at and includes many fun cardmaking and papercrafting ideas!